7 Benefits of Meditation on Children

Nowadays it is not just the adults that have a stressful life, even children with tight schedules somedays experience stress in their lives. We all will agree with the fact that kids should be free from all the stress and enjoy their childhood. So, can we as a parent help them to overcome this situation? We ourselves are so much involved in dealing with the hectic schedules that we usually forget to ask them about their problems. First things first, having good communication with your kids is the key. Secondly, include meditation in their lifestyle which has many benefits. But before you tell them to meditate, you yourself will have to try it and then see how it affects your mental peace in a positive way. Once you believe in it, it will be easy for your children to grasp it. Once they get to learn the benefits of meditation, you all will be one happy and stress-free family.

So, we at Bhartiyam International School present you the 7 Benefits of Meditation on Children. Bhartiyam International School, Rudrapur is one of the finest schools in Uttarakhand and it has been our motto to provide our students with quality education and other social and physical skills that are needed for student development.

Below are the 7 Benefits of Meditation on Children

Meditation for children's behavior

Kids who meditate have a very calm mind and they often behave well at home and at school. They will often treat everyone around them with respect and will often care about the ones they are close with. When the mind is at peace it will often look at the positive side of the things which lead to good behavior. The process is very similar in adults too because meditation calms one’s mind and slows down their actions. The result is they think about their actions and the repercussions of those actions.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common disorder that can be found in kids from a very young age. It is proven that this disorder can be found in kids from the age of 7 years. But, the child who has developed a habit of meditation suffers less from ADHD than the ones who don’t meditate at all. The students who meditate will be focused on whatever activities they do. They will show calm and rested behavior.

Click here to know more about ADHD

Improved School Performance

Meditation will help students to achieve good grades and be active in other activities at school. Meditating helps to focus and when people are focused they will perform better at whatever they do. Meditation is a tool by which one can move forward effectively no matter how many problems come in the way. Kids will generate a will to fight the problems and find its solution.

Reduced Stress and Depression

Let us come to the main point. In today's fast-paced life kids are also experiencing a problem of stress and depression. The main intention of meditation for kids is that they should be free from unnecessary stress. Stress can be a main villain which results in poor performance in academics. The pressure of not performing well can also generate stress and depression in kids. Meditation helps in overcoming all of that added pressure.

Compassion and Self-Esteem

Most of the insecurities that we face today as adults can be traced back to our childhood. Academic and societal pressure is the reason, most children feel like they are falling behind in line when being compared to other kids. This pressure can be difficult for them and those around them. However, the benefits of meditation have the power to improve children's feelings of security and stability, which in turn will help them develop compassion and self-esteem.

Boosts Confidence

With meditation, your kid will gain self-awareness and they will become more confident in life. When children meditate, they learn to keep distractions away, such as not reacting to thoughts and reactions, which boosts their self-confidence. In addition, it also helps them learn about their self-awareness. Confident kids are better at dealing with unconventional situations. And therefore they are better listeners and problem solvers.

Improves Sleep

A common problem most students face is Sleep deprivation or disturbed sleep. This problem arises when they are stressed and their minds are not at peace or rest. Students who practice meditation have better immunity, lower stress levels, and sleep better. Meditating before bed allows your child to sleep soundly, keeping your child well-rested, which in turn helps him prepare better for schoolwork and other activities.


If you are waiting for the right moment, this is the right time to introduce your child to meditation. There are several places around you that can help you and your child learn to meditate and later you can practice it at your home. Due to the hectic lifestyle, people compromise on some good things in life.

You should keep one thing in mind - Never force your child to meditate as they may develop an aversion to it. Introduce a few minutes late for the first few days and increase the minutes after a few weeks or days. They must be encouraged just as you give yourself when meditating.

So these were the 7 benefits of meditation on children that we at Bhartiyam International School think will be beneficial for them. For more such interesting blogs visit our official website by clicking here.

Details of the blog:

  • Date:April 26th, 2022